Rock Mechanics
Understanding elastic behavior of your reservoir
Triaxial Testing (TXC)
TXC testing is conducted to obtain elastic mechanical properties, Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio, and compressive strength of rock samples. When conducted on sample sets prepared at different orientations to bedding, it is used to define changes in elastic properties and strength with changing orientation, and thus to define elastic anisotropy and strength anisotropy behavior. When conducted on sample sets with a different confining stress on each sample, the increase in strength (and elastic moduli) with increasing confining stress is measured, and this is used to define failure envelopes (e.g., Coulomb).
Brazil Indirect Tensile Strength Testing (BRZ)
BRZ testing is conducted to obtain unconfined tensile strength of rock samples. Brazil tests at W.D. Von Gonten Laboratories are conducted on vertically oriented samples (with bedding parallel to the face of the plug), to minimize the effect of bedding on the stress distribution and on the test results.
Interface Mechanical Testing (INF)
Interface mechanical testing (INF) is conducted to obtain hydraulic conductivity and shear strength of rock interfaces, to determine their impact on hydraulic fracture propagation, fracture efficiency and height growth.
Fracture Connectivity (FCT)
Fracture Connectivity (FCT) is performed to measure the loss of fracture aperture and loss of fracture conductivity resulting from proppant embedment, proppant crushing, and the production of fines, as the fracture is subjected to increasing compressive loads. A unique testing configuration allows testing packs in excess of three layers and investigating rock-fluid-proppant interactions.
Polyaxial Hydraulic Fracture Testing (PFT)
Large-scale polyaxial hydraulic fracturing testing (PFT) are conducted in a poly-axial stress frame (σ1>σ2>σ3) on outcrop rock samples (1ft^3), under simulated conditions of in-situ stress, to better understand the physics of hydraulic fracturing. Tests can be configured to simulate vertical or horizontal completions, cased or open hole completions, and using pressure ports, to identify the time at which fractures reach specific monitoring locations.